Vinyl pressing Does anybody know where i can get vinyl pressed up in Newcastle or the northeast cos ive got a few tunes wantin to be released and i dont have a clue about where to get them pressed cheers
there was a thread on this board not long ago about it .. do a search for vinyl pressing and you will find it i think ..
i think everyone is laughing at the fact you want to seriously release records but are asking people on here how to do it!
if you want one-offs just get em at chemical. if you want a proper release its a lot more complex and will cost you around 1000 quid for 500 vinyls and 10 test pressings with a master cut. independant is the best place for mass produced pressing but you can get the master cut cheaper, louder (+ better so im told) at another place which aint on the internet. if you plan on actually going for a full label release, you will need to register the recordlabel, copyright the track to it and sort out p+d deals along with selling promo copies or advance pressings to certain shops. having a website is also a very wise idea. the recordlabel myself and a friend have just started is the 3rd one i have been involved in from the side of the owner. it isn't an easy or cheap process, it is a lot of money and unless done properly you might aswell flush your money down the bog.
Cheers for the info guys, Im gonna try n say this without sounding like a cock but I already know about running my own label and all the aspects of it but all i was really wanting to know was where could I get some vinyl presseed in the north east as Im trying to keep costs down, just thought it might have been that little bit cheeper than takeing my buisness down the country. But everything is all greatly apreciated Luke-