Say something interesting. Bored, not drunk, tell me something interesting... Me 1st: £25,000 is the highest price paid for a donkey in the UK. The donkey was a racing donkey called Minstrel.
ive got a ticketing system, like at alton towers.. it gives them the time and they come back for a ride.
Not a bad idea. but i find the best time are when you steal them fresh out the mummy goats crack and fuck em till they twitch there last twitch
Human beings are currently causing the greatest mass extinction of species since the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. If present trends continue one half of all species of life on earth will be extinct in 100 years.
there's more than just US to the planet though, but saying that most wild animals would eat us given half a chance then we'd be extinct but the thing with species going extinct is there's loads of plants and marine organisms going extinct and they could hold the key to cures/treatments of cancer/aids and major diseases that threaten us, we've already got lots of cancer treatments from marine organisms, if we wipe out summik we could be wiping out the only chance we have of getting a cure to avoid a future extinction by disease ourselves
fact: duncan once crawled down the stairs on his elbows to go and get his legs which he had left in the living room.
It was scary as fuck coming out of a hole and not having any legs. Hopefully will have more of the same a week on fri
No some person who shall remain name less cough linzi cough wont let me have one. So i have invested £120 in a vetinary pharmacutical venture for the weekend.