I don't hate you by any means but i don't always agree with how you go about things & the way you treat some other members of this board that i'd consider my friends
There should be another catagory "love her but haven't met her". Your threads are some of the best It's like 'grouphug.us' in a shoebox Hope things get better
heather im afraid if u keep on pestering him to get back with you, constantly email him etc then if i was in claire's shoes i dont think i'd be happy with you being around either. No current gf is gonna be happy if the ex is floating around im sure you'd be the same if it was you. I do think however that you go too over the top on the boards, slagging claire off ripping her to shreads and threatening her then trying to make out your the victim (thats the way it comes across to me anyway). You really arean't gonna get over it if u keep trying to get him back, your best to let it go and try get on with your life. Things can only get better for you tbh but if u dont accept things for what they are then its just gonna stay the same or even get worse. End of the day the only person its creating problems for is yourself cause your just making matters worse. As for the drinking, if ur not willing to stop drinking then again how can u expect it to get better. Your best just to compeltely stop drinking otherwis in no time at all your gonna rely it on it day to day. I really do hope you manage to sort yourself out and move on cause whenever i've met you you've been really sound.
forget all about him pet i know itl be hard but you wont be able to move on if you dont looks as if hes having the last laugh on you because you have'nt and he has dont give him the satisfaction unless ya that dosile i say go and lie on ya back and have some fun
i dont know you but some of the things you have put up on here are fucking stupid why is it you need to share everything with the board its your life you need to get on with it if you cant go on and find someone else or even b on your own to sort your head then i dunno but things that you have said in the past aint right AT ALL !! just move on and sort it out in the ened it will be better for you and others
I dont know u Heather, well enough to hate you/dislike you. However.... Some of the things you have said on here/threatened have been utter shite and there has been no need for them at all. You just give the impression that your a total fruit cake, everyone has problems - mine at times have probs been ALOT worse than yours and granted i mentioned them on the board maybe once i dont do it again again again and again. Try living in my house for the last 2/3 years and then you will realise how lucky you actually are being what you are