this thread is really fucking pathetic, you missed out the option that a lot of people would have voted for: 1. i dont give a shit this has gone on for far too long like and really needs to drop, youve been barred from here fuck knows how many times, and yes it may have nothing to do with me but when someone sends claire harsh and threatening pm's/emails then i cant help get involved. do us all a favour and get over it for fucks sake. theres no need for some of the stuff youve wrote & threatened to do, and its to the point where theyre both going to stop posting on here just to get away from you. its not even like yous just finished either. i may sound harsh but there is no need to threaten claire, shes done fuck all to you, you & mart finished long before they ever got together. *edit* just read the uni halls thread too, i think youll find claire has "let" mart see you and would still if he actually wanted to. think about the real reason he doesnt reply to you any more............ he doesnt want to
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Heather You like big cocks? But you told me you like the way my tiny weiner rattled about in your gaping colon
If u dont give a shit, dont vote looser. i haev been banned once. No, me and martin have not 'just finished' but unlike the rest of you, i only found out about claire in january. There is need to threaten some1 who has threatened my realationship with martin. But that is how i got banned last time so i will not do it again. your lvoely best friend needs to realise that martin can be mates with whoever he likes, even his ex's and she can have no control over his relationships. They will be finished in 2 months max nehow, but until then, she needs to back off a bit. Now go away, have a wank adn calm the fuck down mate.
if you like big cocks pet take a look theres cocks on ther that are 20 inches long if they dont satisfy you nothing will:laugh: :laugh:
and if you love big cocks your fanny must be like a wizards sleave or mabe even a horses collar:laugh: :laugh: