Could be worse you could support Sunderland like me, only joking I hope you get the help you desperatley need mate
I like you. You can be class at times. But u need to realise a few things and try to move on with ur life. Easier said than done I know. Like I said, u can be a really nice person. Please dont let everything else spoil that fact.
I think youre well out of order but I dont hate you. I will do though if you continue sending me abusive and very random emails.
Heather I do really like you too! I just think you need to forget about Martin...I know theres no point saying that but just not posting so much stuff about him on here will makje the world of difference!.
*picks up jess, puts her in breast pocket, takes her home and feeds her cheese and pineapple on cocktail sticks* ur lush girl. delphia, i dont really want to stop drinking, ive already had 5 today, on my 6th...but i am getting help for the other stuff, im seeing a CPN every week at the moment...and 'supposedly' taking my fluoxitine..but im not...but they wouldnt give me a CPN unless i took the tablets, but ive been on them for 3 years and i hate them. But seeing tracey is really helping. We talk abuot martin, about nicole, not really about claire although im sure we will next week, we talk about the message board, about Lee and derek, adn this week im also gonna haev to tell her about sanchez. We talk about my family adn my sister and the few friends i have in darlo and last week we even had a 5 minute conversation about young nasser..which was interesting :spangled: I am getting better, i mean, if you ask martin abuot how i was compared to how i am (most of the time)
Ive read a bit more and in my eyes you shouldnt be talking about these things on a message board ... its personal stuff ...
self-pity is pointless. you have the power to change a lot of the things that are bothering you, you just need to find the willpower and motivation to get on and do it.
I dont know you heather but im pleased ur gettin professional help with ur feelings. Why do u hate the anti-depressants? Maybe if u take them for just a little while they can help to lift u up so u can start thinkin about helping urself to get better. This whole thread shows that u think alot about what others think of u. U shouldnt worry that much about what others think of you.....start thinkin of urself and gettin better, and dont be so critical of urself.
this is the shittest attention seeking thread I've ever read. if you want attention get your tits out, dont make self pitying polls.
I agree really need to be sober to sort ur feelings out. U'll end up becoming physically dependant and even if u do want to stop drinkin u wont be able to. xxx
I dont know heather but i just think she really needs someone to talk to x You'll talk to anyone when ur depressed and is often easier to talk to strangers x