Matt Hardwick Charity Event Havn't heard much said about this lately Are people still going and is there a coach sorted yet?
is it the sunday AFTER christopher lawrence @ promise?? if it is im defo going, as will have been paid
Yep, its that Sunday. Mik said he was sorted a coach, I think. More info @ ****Inspiration***** ***INSPIRATION*** On the 26/12/2004 the Tsunami disaster shook the world.. The environmental and human consequences of the disaster are massive. People everywhere are uniting in efforts to fund recovery & aid projects. In the areas stricken by destruction traffickers are believed to be taking advantage of the chaos by abducting children who may have been orphaned, injured or simply lost & given up for dead. Before the disaster every day millions of children worldwide were forced into prostitution, sweatshops or treated inhumanely living a in poverty facing abuse, illness, violence and fear. The Tsunami has increased the number of children who desperately need protection by thousands. UNICEF believes that the protection of children is crucial. As a non-profit humanitarian agency funded entirely by voluntary contributions and sponsorship from events such as this, UNICEF has a strong belief in its responsibility to provide as much support to children in danger, The work of UNICEF is vital for the future. This is a belief upheld by the individuals and companies who continue to help UNICEF fund its continuing work for children across the globe. NOW IT’S OUR TURN The Cream of UK Talent have come together, with the best up and coming Dj's and producers in the country to raise money for a very worthy cause indeed, UNICEF. Sincere thanks go to all DJ's and Producers involved for waiving the performance fee for the event., The Venue and everyone else who is making the night happen. Lets make a difference! ***UK Forever*** Matt Hardwick Adam Sheridan John Askew Riley & Durrant Jon O'Bir Les Hemstock Andy Bagguley & Marc West Aled Mann and Dëwi Visuals by VJ Steve G! ***Faith*** St John & Yaz Tania Mann & Pandora S-K Ben Coleman John Wright & DANNY M Activa & Paul Pearson Factoria & Frase Chris Spence & Gav Collins Rob Taylor & Russ Buchan ***Hope*** Marcus Wortley & Andy C Jim Craik & MK X Owen Clark & Mark Jobson Dwain Byrne & N.R-Jettic djx2 & Chris Lewis James Ryan & Ryan Gibson Tom Hill & Paul Simon The Venue Station Street Long Eaton Nottingham Sunday 27th February 3pm-12 Minimum £5 entry/No Concessions. Pay as much as you can, all door proceeds go directly to UNICEF In addition to the fantastic line up there will be giveaways, promo cds given out, and a Raffle which will take place on the night to raise extra money. Prizes will be donated by each of the DJ's in the main room, so this will be something a little bit special. For further information watch this space. Thankyou.