Nearly Home Well i'm in frnce waiting for my connecting flight home....its fucking freezing compared to the 30 + i've been used to!!! I'll try to get my pcs up asa...i've got spare time so it should hopefully be not too long... Saw Ankor Wat and also visited the temple where tomb raider was filmed, that gets called the jungle tmple....was awesome..
And in doing so drew attention to the fact that no-one else had replied! Not very charitable are you?
i'm used to it! No one loves me! :cry2: i'm going to try to get me pics up today... this jet lag is a twat...was up at 6 this morning!
i'm trying my very bestest...also trying to rotate them so no one has to move their pretty little heads!
i think you should have the pics soon my dear...i've been at it all day...just putting some comments to the pics now!
theres some that are similar to others so won't comment there but other than that i am! this is what happens when you let a numpty loose on a pc!
Rachael, i worked so hard til bout qtr to 8 doing them last night...but the website lets people who view he pics dleete them! :evil: