Underground Clubbing In Newcastle Can someone tell me what this is? Is it nights at the Fiddler,Cottage, upstairs @ The Blackett Arms etc If so then lets not talk about Newcastles "Underground" scene to anyone outside of Newcastle because that is embarrassing
underground is anything ALLIE is listening to at present innit WORD! currently mushroom jazz by all accounts
i would say the underground scene would be the likes of freakey dancin ,detox,traveler ,arcane,and all nights held at the uni im probs wrong like
I may still class Shindig and Promise as underground clubs... they certainly arent a mainstream club like Baja, or Bambu. They are just bigger in size and yes now and again attract maybe the more mainstream of the underground dance scene DJs. I mean you dont get underground Baja music, or underground Commercial stuff do ya??? altho if your defining the underground scene are you talking about those outside of Shindig / Promise...and their music policies?