back to the shroooms..its the build up thats fun,i spent over a month evry morning going out up my old house with a flask of earl grey and sum cakeies...shite crop this year,but inb the end i got a fare few..still got all dryed out ready 4 summer its not about the taken,its the picking
Rossy - yeah, my wording was crap there - by "fun recreational use" I meant more along the lines of how one might use poppers, MDMA, or alcohol - to have a fun time with little or no preparation or methodology about it. I should have been more clear; they can be immensely pleasurable, but I am loath to use the term "fun", because it implies to me a kind of frivolous, carefree pleasure along the lines of a pint at the pub - some drugs can be used like this, but psychedelics can't. Yeah, I said apart from other similar compounds, and fair dos although their method of action and effect is different, the dissoc psychedelics still get you to the same place (ego loss) in the end, so I was meaning to include them too. I disagree that they are more scarey - it completely depends on set setting and subject. Sorry if i come over as aloof on the internet - i try to write as humanly as possible, but I always come over like a lawyer with a stick up his arse Harry
thats what some of them are implying. not gonna argue with u nass cos i like u and dont like arguing with people i know, only random strangers xxx
thats what some of them are implying. not gonna argue with u nass cos i like u and dont like arguing with people i know, only random strangers xxx
Care to repeat that rach? I kind of understand where you're coming from but you've also dug yourself a hole. Have a rope.
reeli dont care nass darlin!! i think drugs are bad they think they're good, nowt more too it reeli, if i was having this argument with a bunch of adults or people from my old uni course then i'd be the one winning its only cos i've voiced my opinion on a clubbing msg board!! goin now anyways too busy for all this shit lol!! xxx
sorry thought you were saying dissociatives are more recreational than others. Salvia will give you full on ego loss in seconds.
No need for the implied disrespect, is there - everyone on this thread (nearly) has respected what you had to say, and responded in a mature and adult fashion. Also, why are you so sure you would win the argument if you were arguing against "adults"? It is a mistake to attribute either unintelligence or immaturity to most people on this thread - immature, insecure, and unstable people and psychedelics don't mix, period.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :worship: best/most truthful thing anyone has said in the whole thread. ness is sitting here applauding you, i read it out to him, i knew he would like that one. you are so right though. the only difference is money, taxation and the greedy government.
are people who do coke dirty fuck ups rach the vast majority of you look like total dicks in this thread.... I can't wait till mark see's it