nout matter with spelling,besides,jobs a job,get a career selling class a' get to sleep all day and party all night
why would someone hate their lives so much to wanna spend their days/nights seeing everything all fucked up and weird..??!! bit sad me finks!! everyone to their own tho
Mr Sleepy will start foaming at the mouth when he reads this thread!! The excitement he will get from deleting it will be immense!! lololol!
im not the one who pumps my body with a kalidoscope of drugs on a weekend...??!! wheres the maturity in that?
if you think the experience of a psychedelic is merely to "see weird" - you haven't tried one, and are not really in a position to comment. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but i just don't like people knocking what they haven't tried. Harry
sorry take way the selling class a bit,just leave me with the band part al be happy..nout worse than going on stage off ur tits
oh shut up 'harry' i know exactly what im talking about from having the friends i had from 99 onwards thank u very much, i know what acid is like i just think its sad that people are that bored with their lives that they wanna do it thats all
i,m not the person who does that either you dont know me or what/how often i take things... if i remember correctly someone said on the board you were on the fellas less than a year ago...
i didnt aim to be witty i was merely explaining my supposed lack of knowledge of the english language
just to end it off,got some lsd other day,wasnt greatmand i dont get sh1t. compare it to 12years ago,its was way way stronger then,same with e's. so all the people who say av done 10 e's etc,wow,its cos there turd,neck a pure disco biscoittie ud be up all weekend good job there sh1t now,otherwise we'd all be mongs
i dont take drugs no were near as much as i used to as im growing old and more sensibale but still indulge now and again but i think drugs are the opening of doors in your mind which would never be opened unless u take them and all parts of your mind should be explored its called life
Even if your life is so flawless that you never feel the need to try something different, to experience something beyond the bounds of the ordinary - and I can't say I think that's likely - then why should you impose that on others? If people want to explore, who are you to judge them for it, to be honest? You don't see trippers trying to force their ways onto others, and I think they should be shown the same respect. Harry PS - why my name in inverted commas?
As for me, it didn't used to take me much to get fucked on anything but I've not had anything for a long time now. I don't look down on those who do it, it's the after effects that used to get me.
im not imposing anything i just think its wrong the way people come on here boasting about their drug taking activities - talk about it with ur friends or whatever but coming on here saying 'acid is so mint i did loads of it at the weekend and was buzzing off my tits wooo drugs are so mint and i am soooo fucking cool for taking em' is rather sad.
people always say drugs were much stronger years back but if you think about it they actually felt stronger cos thats when you first started taking them well thats in my case so people who just start to try drugs now for the first will say in 5 10 years drugs were much stronger back then