in reply to that monkey person and that rossy person - theres not a single person who used to hammer it in the old days that i've spoken to who doesnt a). look back and cringe and b) realise how fucked up they were at the time do what ya's want but stop boasting about it on a msg board thinking ur all class
the non-dissociative hallucinogens are no cop as "fun", recreational drugs, IMO - too much risk of a dismal experience. They are useful for different purposes, including self exploration, meditation, deep thought, exploration etc. They CAN be fun in a recreational way, but using them for this purpose is in my opinion walking a very fine line. Legal or no, mushrooms under the right circumstances can have a more profound effect than any other substance I know of ( barring similar compounds eg LSD-25). So, what was the point of the above rant? Well, my view of it is, that you don't see LSD use as much as you once may have done, because as a fun drug there are MUCH better and more tractable drugs out there. Under the right circumstances, though, they have their place, and they are more effective at what they do than anything else under my knowledge. Harry
plus alot of people are mentaly unstable and should never be let near any legal or non legal mate was once in the marines,but whislts on trainin seen 2 friends killed,it cracked him up 4 years. if he has any drug off he goes down the woods for a bit marine hard man training,now thats cos he's a skitsafrenic,but not from taking drugs he's spot on like
yeah yeah,were all living in this clean cut world,no drugs,just paying the goverment mega tax on tabs n drink besides,its tea time,im off
these are'nt my mates believe me there compleate spastics and they've been known to even inject petrol there pure scum
Thats the thing really though...some people can handle any drug and some people just cant at all! i will be the first to admit I know for a fact I wouldnt handle most drugs well so acid certainly wouldnt be on the agenda for me!
so im thick am i...??!! i can guarentee i have a betta job than u ma dear and that im a damn site more clever, i just choose to phonetically spell whilst on my computer tends to be slightly quicker!!
Agree mostly - wouldn't say "who cares" though - something as vastly powerful as as psychedelic should be respected and used, not abused. Yeah, chances are if you just willy nilly neck some shrooms or a tab of LSD you will have fun - but as I am sure you are aware, the consequences of a trip going the wrong way are somewhat devastating - much worse than acute effects at normal recreational doses of other drugs, barring anaphalactic shock (sp?). Harry
Yes but correct me if I'm wrong, you will be referring to people who did the likes of pills, coke, speed, weed e.t.c here as opposed to just acid, shrooms or salvia. The difference is, that for a lot of people regular use of pills, coke or weed will fuck you up, while with drugs like acid which are not neuro toxic, they won't. So how can they render you a drug fuck up? I know loads of people who used to take drugs "in the olden days", and still take drugs now. Just maybe a little let often because they breached their limits once to many times. I'm not boasting about it on a message board, I'm just disagreeing that drugs are minging, always fuck people up in the end or are always just a phase that people go through.