Substances enhancing the music If the reason that dance music is now so popular is as a direct result of peoples magical experiences in combining ecstasy with repetitive beats do you lot think that this love affair will still continue for the next 10 years. I for one dont as each time I go out clubbing I find more and more people not dancing around but merely monging out on horse tranquilizer and there seems to be a sea change toward people having just as good a time on the beer. There seems to be less and less gigs that I go to where the whole room is buzzing to the same vibe. Would this also explain why generally a lot of successful clubs have went to monthly affairs instaed of weekly. Maybe its just people are becoming more and more selective , I dont know ???
Re: Substances enhancing the music there were more people getting ketted up in clubs 2/3 years ago than there is now. most of these clubs however no longer exist.. somz, sunday mass, sundis norf. i think drug taking as a whole has lessened with more people going out and just drinking. all my opinion of course.
fids, can you monitor my IP from where you holed up> Is it working ok. FIDLA: APRIL 2ND IS COMING in the words of the A-Team i love it when a plan comes together I definately think there are more people just boozing it theese days. I think the main reasons for that is that are (a) the party smarties are crap (b) the honeymoon period for most people is over (c) there are only so many variations you can do with 2 decks , a dj, flashing lights and several hundred people.
I particularly like delphias no nonsense , 1 symbol answer kind of thing, pure class FIDLA , are you making a follow up to farhenheit 9/11 called celcius 10/12
I reckon at bigger events that the majority of clubbers are misty eyed but in smaller clubs probably more beer getting drunk but to be honest that mite have sumit to do with the dj that is booked and the crowd they are aimed at i cant see ur ip fella but if ur on here it must be ok ! i dont get the last post celsius ........... :spangled:
you do bear an uncanny resemblance to michel moorer the director of farhenheit in much the same way as a bear an uncanny resemblance to shaun ryder crossed with scarface (only joking)
Getting fucked on drugs is some of the best fun in the world, especially topped up with some class beats. Getting older with more responsibilities and taking 5-7 days to get over it aint. It's all about moderation and balancing things up.
the party aspirins these days take 4-7 days to recover from because they are so full of shit. altho you feel crap after abig night on the beer in my opinion their aint as much of a huge mid week crash out and paranoia after the beer as some things we could mention plus the nature of the way music is going I persoanlly think that a lot of the music popularised up in the northe east lends itself better to the drink and the skunk as opposed to say 1999 when the mitsis hooked up perfectly with trance , 2000 - 2001 when the speedy ones went great with the hardhouse and the early rave years when the doves and piano anthems combined perfectly.
i think we should also be carefull wot we say in this thread btw yeahbut , u seen the clip of shaun ryder these days tho lol i hope people arent still makin the comparison !!!
I reckon every time the party medicine goes shit attendences go down. just my opinion tho! I see club land drifting slowly back to beer fuled nights thats all
Drug posts often get removed tho thats all im saying m8 If u look thru the board lookalike thread spence done one of me n michael moor ages ago m8
The music doesn't need drugs to validate it - it's just it becomes more accessible when "assisted". The decline in the culture of munching sweets has therefore probebly mildly impacted attendances, but I think the change in viewpoints with regards dance music ( no longer popular or "cool" as a youth movement, to a large degree ) has had a much larger effect on the number of youngsters entering clubbing these days. Harry Edit - typo