Wrist Bands People may think this i am a total saddo, but any ideas where i can buy the wristbands which are going around, do certain shops sell them??
in a perfect world it would be for charity ad charity only.... celebs wore them first and therefore they became a fashion accesory... in a perfect world kids wouldnt get bullied at school for wearing a blue band which is a charity based around bullying
EBAY sells all the colours and if you look at how quick their selling and how much there selling for youll see there not out ov fashion yet!!!! be carefull tho theres some ppl selling fake ones aswell!!
Sweedish Leon has 200 to sell plus some old glory t shirts and a few visors going?? pm him if intrested.
I do apologise Jess but i hadn't seen any of the other threads adnw as wanting to know if anyone knew that was all.