Your Ideal World What would your ideal world be like? Not going to include the things like world peace and no suffering etc, because I asume if everybody had an ideal world that would be part of it anyway. So what would be different about what you can do? What would you change? :think:
my ideal world wud hav less ppl in it. and no traffic jams ever, its the only thing that gets me really annoyed when ppl dont hav mannors in traffic the houses wud all b detached and hav massive gardens, not these horrible tower flat things nobody wud live in cities they wud b close enough to get to from your home so u cud go shopping, out to pubbs/clubs work etc but wud hav no problems with crime in city centre or noise and stuff like that schools wudnt b divided into public and private and everyone wud hav same chances off getting good grades and into universits. thats all for now i can prob think of more later
You would be able to teleport. No traffic, no roads even, no airports, no need to even live in the same country as where you worked. The possibilities would be endless.
the UZSR (the Union of Zionist Socialist Republics) would be formed and comprise of the US, the UK and Israel... and you'd all be fucking Jewish
id bomb boro and happily see all the scummers rot... except ste etc... then id take out all the scumbags. Id also make it illegal for twats to have kids. everything would be the same but thered be no underclass.