Is This Real?? just got this link sent to me by a lass down south .... she could of warned me!! so im WARNING you all, if your COCKly do not click the link and if yer at work...definitely dont click the link!!! Dodgy might like this tho i keep thinkin to myself "this isnt real this isnt real" or im gona have nightmares!
nah i didnt read owt either.... soon as i seen the sliced part that was it for me...does anyone know how it ended?? or 'not ended' may be the right way to say it. just had to share this experience with others....i nearly puked up...wish she had of given me a warning tho when she sent me the damn link its definitely not right at all
thats really bad, the fookin loons missin most of his index finger too!! reckon that was his 2nd attempt or summit after missing it 1st time round???
After reading the comments on this thread, I'm not even goin to look at the link! That one yesterday just about finished me off as it was!:sick: