liverpool shit hot or shit hole? I've applied to do my MSc down there next year... could do with anyones opinions on the city... ta
Re: liverpool I like it, Albert Docks are lush and there are new restrauntsd & bars opening all the time. Lots of the old buildings are being restored/converted in time for the City of Culture thing. Going again Saturday
What's your MSc in? I'm applying to Liverpool to do MBChB. Liverpool's a very good uni for some sciences, so surely academics should come first? It's a great city. It has a good nightlife and music scene in general. Liverpool's council, unlike Newcastle's, is strongly supportive of their music scene, it's probably their biggest attribute, so it's thriving. There's always a few places to go on any given night, unless you like trance. Bar-wise it's alright, same as most other places, some nice areas and some shit ones, although nowhere quite as bad as the bigg market on a Friday. Some nice restaurants and stuff down there too. Shopping is a bit shit though, but you're not too far from Manchester so it's not that bad.
Send a PM to Nicolai as I sure he is a student in Liverpool If Allie is down there at the same time as you, you lads could room together.
yeh get back to the good old days of gettin in from a night out with allie... cooking up a storm.. then going to bed... together....
already done ian... glad to see your skills of deduction aren't slipping in your old age (one eye here, one eye there) i'll see you on the 11th... got a ticket yet?
no HH then? its gonna be, fingers x'd, in urban design / regeneration / policy... ive applied to Manchester, Liverpool and LJMU & 10 others... the competition for places is one of the highest for any postgrad courses offered, so my interview 's gonna have to be pretty shit hot! you know anything about the student areas or anything? ive been to see mates in manc a fair few times and its been pretty hairy compared to here... think my main problem will be that i can't stand scousers
nicks in france for his year out as part of his course he seems to like it there though, despite the obvious drawback of being full of scousers
is he in the same place as kel? aye.. scousers spose they can't be any less cultured than geordies though
to be less cultured than geordies....takes something special yep, him and kel live together there, though they are at different uni's
from what ive heard theres been a sudden influx of biker mice from mars hanging round the ' stear clear if i was you..
I've really enjoyed Liverpool everytime that I've went and me brothers at uni there and he loves it. Its a bitter destination to pick than Sheffield
i saw her on nye very briefly... kelly is mint she went back to france a few days after that tho afink...