M.i.a. it seems only minutes since our 'loveable chum' was 'amongst it' with us in foundation.. now he is nowhere to be seen.. can anyone confirm his whereabouts so we know he is safe and well... and furthermore to quash rumours that young paul is, yet another hapless victim of the 'crashergate' affair??
he moved down to leeds didnt he..??!! or maybe not. infact im gonna text him in a bit to see how he is, hes one of the nicest people in existence n what does piss me off is that people used to take advantage of his nice nature (you know who you are), a lot of people could do with taking a few leaves outta his book he's such a lil sweetheart xxx
lol shut your face simpson you remember the time we were flyering and i did one and left you 'on your own' outside newcastle uni.. and the text i sent you shortly after when you wondered where id gone... i seem to rememeber 'aargh fuck you, horrible boy!' being in the reply :laugh: the boy genius is alive and well and living in deepest, darkest heaton still..