Fucking BT Sent me a bill for £271.87 How the fuck they calculate that i dont know. I dont even use the phone to make calls, only use my mobile for that. All i should have is line rental at about £10 a month, and Broadband at £25 a month. "The amount will be debited from your bank account on or after 18 january 05". Arseholes. Gonna give them shit tomorrow like! :evil:
the worst phone bill we ever got was for 1475 quid....we'd just got the net installed though, and all my mates had just got mobiles too, my mam wasnt best pleased like...
Nope, that should be included in me £25. The seem to have charged me 60-odd quid four times, what for i cant quite work out? :spangled:
I got an electricity bill for fifteen hundred quid before christmas. A few phonecalls later, and two weeks later, another bill comes through the door showing me in CREDIT by 12 quid. Shocking to think how our bank accounts are linked to systems that go wrong occasionally... with some potentially shocking concequences. Direct debit is convenient, but also quite worrying at the same time eh.
Aye, thing is im terrible with mail. I often (as in this case) pick it up, chuck it aside, then it gets buried under a pile of other stuff, and can go up to a month without me even opening it. Just found this while having a tidy-up tonight. It was dated 4th of Jan. I kinda just think "ah well ive got everything on DDs so i dont have to worry". Then i see i was 2 days from having a load of cash i dont owe taken out my account.
cancel all direct debits with em, make it so u pay manually i got a £305 bil through due oct 2004 still waiting
Fuckin Call Centres Tried sorting this tonight. After waiting 45 mins to have my call answered, it is finally answered by the Bombay or Madras branch at 755pm. It took a few minutes to explain to the girl what was wrong with my bill. Once she had grasped the concept, she said "il put you through to Customer Services". So into another queue i go, and 30 seconds later, at 8pm, the line goes dead. Useless fucks. Il have to try again tomorrow now. Jimmy or Ruth, any hints? Shortcut numbers etc?
who broadband is it? if its bt's ring 150 then choose the option for bb then bb service...you should get thru to newcastle not india! other than that can't really help you much more since i ain't there atm....they're paying me not to go in cos they want to sack me!