"Collateral" What are peoples toughts on this soon to be released DVD? I thought it was awesome but I do love most Michael Mann stuff. Iv read reviews that didnt rate it much at all.... The way Mann builds the tension in the Nightclub scence is unreal, iv never been so nervous watching a film b4. Thoughts?
Cruise is amazingin Minority Report as well dont you agree? I cant wait for S1 of Miami Vice to come out on dvd..
Thought he was a bit wooden in that to be honest, was a canny good film - but bleeding obvious the old grey-haired guy was the baddy though Not been a fan of his recent films at all, Top Gun, Rain Man, Risky Business et al were the Cruise Classics like
good film... u want them to be mates in the end... can't say too much more incase it gives it away.... but it's good. loads of unexpected bits... like where he meets that jazz legend....
The New WAR OF THE WORLDS film with him in looks canny, takes Titanics Dearest film ever made title too Collateral was good thought end was a bit predictable thou
Re: "Collateral" looking forward to wathing it. i'm a big fan of mann's work also. heat is still one of my favourite films.
Tbf I think Tom Cruise has always been a good actor he's just honed his craft over the years. He's given some poor performances (FAR AND AWAY, LEGEND, DAYS OF THUNDER) but he's delivered some brilliant ones too (TAPS, BORN ON THE 4TH OF JULY, MINORITY REPORT, COLLATERAL). I enjoyed the movie. No one is better than Michael Mann when it comes to night photography and pacing and COLLATERAL was more reminiiscent of MANHUNTER than HEAT imo. I enjoyed it though and the 2 disc DVD looks alright will have a nice anamorphic transfer and DTS as a sound option which is a nice addition. Features don't look too bad either although it's hardly a 'collectors edition' as is being billed. Got a descent review in latest EMPIRE Just my 2p worth
yep agreed, mann is the man (doh). I really liked the film, especially the cinematography, with that grainy film giving a really gritty, tense atmosphere to the whole production, and Tom Cruise really impressed in a much more mature role than I am used to seeing him in. Harry
Just watched it, thought it was a fantastic film. Shall definatley be making a purchase of it on DVD.
Legend was immense like! Ive always liked Tom Cruise as an actor! hes really matured! Cant wait to see him in the new "War of the Worlds"
Re: "Collateral" want to buy this.... looks good. tom cruise is a good actor and michael mann stuff is normally spot on.