jesus! that's a wet patch! bet Smart-e will be climbing in, never mind us throwing him to da piggies!
depends on energy levels already commited to promise and sundis... but will prolly end up at the barn as well.
i sense there's a story behind this techno - is it suitable for public reading? how about we fling whoever flakes first to the piggies? better keep sluggin the Red Bull smart one!
It would have been really funny if you had of put ''nobbish'' instead of "yobbish" there like, but yes quite right behaviour like this should not be tolerated L"M"FAO In my opinion it can be occationally funny at the same time it lets all members see who the nasty people are, if whats said is really that harsh. Maybes in the profile part you can be traced to who you are really...? that is you if you have a fukin hidded identity i.e. a coward like ian beale off "eastenders"...... lol
Do you find naughty words funny? look: nobber fuck shit bastard arsewipe Bet your in stitches.... You can but this is onyl visible to the admins - people are allowed their privacy... but its very easy to catch banned users
comes back though to what is nobbish behaviour....or yobbish for that matter... who sets the standards as to what is not on...personally i'd bomb the Bigg Market and set fire to Rebel Rebel but then who would we feel superior to?? hhhhhmmmmmm
Really funny my sides are killin got anymore words come on amuse me the littlest things amuse me, but arent you being nasty? eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh YOBBISH BEHAVIOUR oooopppsss sorry just joining in the fun lol coz nobbish just suited the argument better thats all.
To be honest I feel superior to opt for paul frank over cyberdog and chose to dance like they#re picking pieces of fluff off their tweed dinner jackets So I'm fine.
There used to be a "Piggeries" behind my house housing a couple of hundred pigs. Im the summer holidays it was great climbing into the complex and letting the pigs out of their pens and then letting them chase you around (if they caught you, you be maimed or killed, they where about 20 stone and very vicious) it was great fun! During one of these exciting ventures I was playing with some matches (don't do this at home kids) and set some straw alight in a pig pen. What have you kids got to do these days eh??? fucking Playstation. I dunno.
we all worked down the pits when i was little.... if trisha ever does a show on deprived childhood's me and techofish are rite in... not like kids today, don't know they're born etc etc