It is possible to stop people re-registering for the site, it's just a case of if we want to or not. We could not make it democratic, it would take too long to run the poll.
personally a think banning people is a BAD BAD idea. i would imagine that if people were banned some of them would take it upon themselves to spoil this board TOTALLY. can u imagine it, someone banned, think they have a divine right to be here, not happy that they cant be, so they find a way to get on and spoil it for everyone. just a thought, but i dont doubt there are ppl that would take this approach
I don't want to ban anyone, I'm just saying it is possible. I can set the site so that I have to agree to all new members (before they can post). That way I can check them out before I enable their accounts. As I said, I don't want to do it.
ahhhh rite, i getya mate, review ppl be4 their accnt is activated, not a bad idea to be honest, as long as it dont take too long to activate accnts as ppl get bored... could be worth thinking about that one tho to stop all these ppl signin up with daft accounts to post shite
roll on tonight.. lets have a good'un at promise at forget all about what went on earlier in the week!! anyone gonna join me??
Think we are gunna come up and visit next weekend for some fun and frolicks....should be fun. Have somewhere to stay so all set really!!
I think bannin should be in place for totally uncalled for stuff, like ketkid has finally got banned from gurn the stuff he said was uncalled for but i dont think people stoop that low on here, voicin an opinion shouldnt lead to a ban but direct personal abuse to someone should as there is no need. u can ban people so that they cant come back under a new name by doin the sourse or something, ( lack of comp tecnically terms to say what.) oh and people that whine on and on about something when everyone wants themn to drop it, cause r bored should be banned.
why does the last post on here say 1.41pm on the 29th, but on the forum it says 5.50pm on the 30th eh???? u been mucking about again SmartE and abusing things again (i mean your moderator powers )
Simon you just get dumber and dumber - you in competition with glitter?!?!? Everytime someone votes it logs the times and moves the poll to the top of the board *shakes head* Pah abusing power - would I ever do that?!?!? I have morals!
ya cheeky cunt s'pose I should have figured that out for myself really but I do have stoopid moments from time to time, comes from being (natural ) blond I guess, or maybe just friday's excesses taking its toll
Blame it on friday - otherwise I'm placed in the same natural group as you - which I pray isn't the case!
cheeky bugger, im dead intelligent me like (can i just add i spelt intelligent wrong and had to have rozza-jayne point it out to me, smart E, u win, im dumb!)