no-one should be banned for expressing an opinion, no matter how much you might disagree with them. The only time i'd agree with banning anyone is for being downright abusive, such as certain twats like KetKid on gurn. Or to be more specific, if you dont mind me using you as an example, I definitely dont think Technofish should be banned for "that" thread. Whatever else you might think about the whole thing it was started as a discussion about something that affects Promise and loyal Promise customers, and aint that the whole point of a Promise message board?
Why dont u just ask if ya can suck him off Banning will cause more grief on here like me thinks and therefore when the person gets back on they will be full of fire - it takes alot to really really do summit harsh like that Ketkid off the Gurn board - i just think that he needs a good hiding to be honest !
as already said, banning people who are abusive from the board would do no good. i think that laughin at any arsehole who is sad enough to be personally abusive towards sum1 else is good enough. embarras the dickheads who have got nowt better to do than slag others off. that applies to life not just the board!
if your gonna ban someone its got to be forever...not a week it would be like being suspended from school...a couple of days off then straight back to just doesnt work
Gettin banned is gonna do nowt to be honest ! @ the most ya lose ya post count n that and ya original name but i mean its hardly hard to re-register is it n then start causin grief again !
i dont really think anybody has done anything wrong to be banned. people have expressed their opinions on certain sensitive subjects but this is a message board and voicing opinions is what its all about it..
Evey message board has it's fair share of arse holes, we have loads on our message board. But there is a limit to warning and banning at the end of the day. If some1 is going to repeatedly break board rules then in effect they are asking you to ban them. On a board of this siza it should be managable to keep out trouble makers, but as it grows the moderating will become a Still, I like this board and every1 seems to know each other, there is no harshness and clikkiness (ha ha, new spelling) and the women are hopefully fit as I will find out soon!! cup a cha?
Rob made a good point ages ago on the "Cyber Wankers" thread Ramma started about expressing an opinion v being abusive. just because you don't like what someone says, doesn't make them wrong, no matter how strongly you disagree. However, attitudes like racism, sexism, homophobia (all of which we get virtually none of) I find unnaceptable in any form, and if a friend held those views, they'd not be a friend anymore! Other stuff which is just pointless slagging off, or trying to offend people (like Damocles posting a sick pic, which he did take off again straight away) is not on, and is unconstructive. As a general principle, I oppose censorship totally, and would haver voted NO, but a lot of what we've seen here recently is detrimental to Promise, which is not really the point ! I voted YES, but how would you enforce or apply the ban? Promise is 'owned' by a few individuals, but IMO it is really us that own Promise, it's our club. If someone was going to be banned, could we decide with a poll, rather than putting the onus on Mark/Rob, etc, then at least it would be democratic. This is a dead tricky one, but given what has gone one on here in the last few months, I think it's necessary. I and a few other people I know have stopped using this board so much because of the shit we see, so the actions of others have led me to exculde myself, which is my choice, but I would prefer to have not done that, and have this msg board more the way it was. Give me PLUR anytime. Finally, the Promise msg board has been an amazing example of a real, living on-line community. It has brough people together, lots of ppl have made new friends through this, and still use it to communicate, share ideas, just say hi, etc, and I think it has been excellent for Promise in bringing Promise Party People together. It would be sad to lose that
I think i better idea would be for EVERYONE to use some common sence and as my dad says "if you cant think of anything nice to say nothing at all"!!!!! I never listen to my dad anyway so ban the fuckers!!! hehehe. No really tho i think if people put a bit more thought into posts then maybe the beef would stop!