Sleeping aids Nytol does shit all for me. What else can I try which I can buy from Boots or wherever?
they do some kinda spray things in a pink bottles. you spray it round room or on your pillow and is meant to hav calming effects or somethin and sends u to sleep.
is that like the jasmine stuff??? i got sum gudnytol 4 wen i was goin on holiday, so i cud get to sleep early the night b4, coz my flight was early hours. but the next day, i was in a tranced mode all day. like wen u dnt think wot ya doin, like wen ya half asleep. freeky stuff!!
Go to the doc's and ask for Stilnoct Is very effective (I had half-asleep adventures with a fridge once ), but they won't prescribe it to you for long due to it's addictiveness, plus you lose the ability to control your own sleeping patterns. The doctor can refer you to a counsellor too who specialises in sleep disorders. Otherwise, try wanking five times in a row - that'll soon knock ya out
Quite disturbing Mike. I will go to the docs and enquire. Exam time now and need lots of sleep to be at my peak!
zopiclone is the daddy but you dont really feel the benefits unless you can get a full 8 hours... doubt you can get it over the counter either... another way to get to sleeep is to stop taking whizz
Dunno if this is just for sleeping but Night Nurse! (no rude comments) honestly ive had it twice when i had a bad chest over xmas and couldnt get to sleep from coughing and i went straight out! I was actually dilerious (sp!) when i woke up in the morning still aswell! Its really good though when u cant get to sleep.. Im addicted to Night nurse arent I