He comes out with a couple of funny things if you manage to stick through a whole episode and deal with his wanker face expressions, which is more than can be said for little britain i suppose.
We've had this arguement before. He CAN be really funny when he wants to be/is allowed. I really think ITV and ITV's programming schedule restrict him in how funny he can be. He used to be funnier.
he was funnier years ago but think he's gone stale and ran out of decent material. acting the way he does, when he says something funny it cracks me up, but most of them time he just seems like a cock.
For a guy who's supposedly very intelligent (didn't he used to be a doctor) I think his jokes are just stupid!! Its not clever humour like Ricky Gervais
I like Hill and i like Gervais, but i watched the nu Gervais Politics stand up dvd on sunday, what a pile of shite!!! He knocks ppl in wheelchairs for the first 20mins, then has another extended pop at them near the end