Government taxing the tidal wave donations Did you kids know the goverment are fully taxing all donations to the Tidal Wave appeal unless you make it via a newspaper cut out etc and fill in the tax exempt form? That means for the 100k raised the goverment ARE taking 20k >> 40k. If people keep giving at the rate they are the Goverment spledge of 50k will be covered completly by our donation tax!! so it will cost them fuck all!!! People have been asking them to waive the tax but Brown was having non of it! ITS A DISGRACE!!!!!!!
Re: Government taxing the tidal wave donations at the end of the phone number for the DEC appeal, you get asked an option wether you want the tax paid back or not, so hopefully as many people as possible will say yes they want the tax back. so its ok there but the money that is donated through buckets of change in supermarkets etc is pretty much fucked gordon brown is a wanker.
Always bound to happen they have to recoup their 50 million they have pledged . The government have only done this to get some good PR .. Lets wait for the stealth taxes to get the whole lot back
There's a bit where you donate that you tick to say you are a tax payer and so the charity can claim the tax back. But greedy bastards :evil:
Re: Government taxing the tidal wave donations Dont vote Labour at the election! They are lying gready sly scumbags who dont a fuck about us working class citizens!
the goverment have been doing tight assed stuff like that for years.. as most people know the government set aside a certain amount of money each year to give to charities. One year a well known music artist pledged a considerable amount of cash to the goverment to help with charities and it was made quite public. A very generous offer that didnt even make a difference because the govermnet just deducted that amount from the there annual pledge so it didnt even make any difference i think its disguisting imo
Well, this certainly isn't a democracy... And no matter who you use your precious vote for, it'll always be ***** in parliament, and dicks in big business that'll be fucking them ***** to get what they want whilst fucking us up the arse in the process. Rule Brittania!
Apathy is infectious, which is why I'm hanging up my beret, closing the Bensham Popular Front, and moving abroad...
They are greedy fucking heartless bastards that will do anything to get the extra cash or pay nothing themselves ... its out of order .. just because GB wants a new car or a higher priced hooker and the price of Tonys habit must have gone up. TAX this ... TAX that ... is there anything except air that isnt taxed ? GREED :angry:
Re: Re: Re: Government taxing the tidal wave donations i was going to say, wherever ui donate on line or by form, there's a box to tick where the charity can claim back the tax - this means it's infavour of that commi bastard blair. it should be the other way around, tick the box if you DO want to pay tax - that way it favours the charites.