Radio1 Essential mixes announced! top quality Nic Fanciulli + Pete Tong 06/02/05 Eddie Halliwell 13/02/05 Ben Watt 20/02/05 defo havin a listen to them!
Nic Fanciulli is wicked he made his debut to Leeds at a night called rudenot2 and he totally tore the place apart!!! Saw him at creamfields as well pure class
aye fanciulli is awesome he played a wicked set at innercity my mate sed, and he's ripped sankeys up many a time
I thought i hated Fanciulli till i stood around in his Fandango room at the gallery a few months back.... really enjoyed him
He's a v good DJ, seen him play quite a bit in ibiza a few years back. He was m8's with one of my flat m8's when I was there over the summer, he was in our front room one morning