my O2 came phone came while I was at work but they left it with a neighbour but I never asked them too! Chris's came and they left a note in the door and he had to pick it up from DHL at Team Valley the next day, but I think you can ring them up and they will arrange to re deliver or deliver to your local post office for an extra 50p! I think
They are pretty small really! Same size as my other about 10 cms! Awww.. By the way thanks Tiger.. And Fiddla i hope mine comes when yours did!
Oasis I think 02 are good! I just got a text saying im getting free calls on sunday or something for being an 02 customer ! Those mins and texts you have are shit... for the fone im getting i get 200 free anytime mins and 500 free texts for 30 pounds a month... Go on 02's website!
There is very little point in getting Insurance/warrenties when you can easily claim off the house insurance.
Luke I probably should get insurance...but Im quite careful with my fone actually :angel: Which I do find...extremely surprising but I never drop it or anything.. U can claim off the house insurance?
I'm pretty sure you can, if anything electrical ever fucks in our house we just claim off the house insurance. Might have to tell a few "white lies" though.
Oooh, I will! On the texts anyway. Cant complain tho, most contracts for less than what you have are more expensive!
At the minute I get 500 mins and 500 messages for £15 a month, the minutes are only off peak like but I hardly use them anyway Want a new phone but not a new contract
i would say i was careful until i slipped on some steps at uni and all i could do was watch my phone plummet 5 storeys, made a nice dint in the floor tho