Shit Week Its safe to say this week i have probs had the worst week of my life, and i am glad to see the fucking end of it ! Had to leave Cassie in Manchester on Tue - this all after Xmas down there. My bank card was taken from me by the machine in the train station in Manchester after nee tries on the old pin number, fuck knows what was wrong with it. Gets back and me sister isnt home when id hoped she would be and one of the cats is like a skeleton, half dead totally ill ! I had to go to work after no sleep on the tue wi me head up me arse and got fuck all sympathy from my boss who stated "you still have to work regardless and its an 11pm finish remember, keep your home problems to yourself" Today i was told i cant go to Ibiza next year, i was told having two jobs is making me look ill/tired and that if it carries on getting in the way i will either lose my flexi time or will have to quit Asda. In all fairness its fuck all compared to whats happend in some places of the world at the moment. I am gonna stay in now this w/e, save some cash and sleep probs more than i should and sort me head out Anyone got the number for childline ?!?!
Re: Shit Week 0800 11 11 Tell them you're getting 'touched' in your 'special place' by your bosses - would be class if they did summinck about it!
That number looks short :spangled: Just think Geordie, it can only get better, and probs will soon. You not going to the boat then? Dunno if I am tbh :yawn:
I cant really make up for you not spending the summer in Ibiza but i'll try my best to make you happy As far as work goes - same old shit really, try not to let it get you down... Promise to make 2005 a good 'un Love you xxxx
2 jobs man - christ i could never handle that. Hats off to you :spangled: Never fear - life can turn around in an instant. Ignore your cock end superiors, as long as your doing your job(s) to spec, your sweet.