Poor people and the Jan Sales Why are you obsessed with "Next" What a sad bunch they are. REAL Bargins dont exist anymore IMO. ARE THE SALES WORTH THE HASSLE?
Ive been totally disappointed in the sales as per usual Went through the hell of the Metrocentre today and wish I hadnt of bothered! All the sales are well messy, in sizes like 6 or 18 (obv not suitable for me) and are just clothes from three years ago that the shops cant sell :angry: I have managed to get a few dvds with a few pounds off and a couple of pairs of shoes And afew clothes online, which Im still waiting for.
Re: Poor people and the Jan Sales No!! went shopping today, only bought one sale thing-a diesel hat in usc.....queued for about 1/2 hr just to pay for the fucker! was the same everywhere, i just gave up! the worst shopping expereince ive ever had!! was probs cos these charvs ran into losts of pigeons and scared them and one pooed on me , as soon as i got there,...felt like a rite fool!! still mamaged to spend £190 like!! xx
On one Diesel hat???! Fucking hell, not much of a sale!! Just jesting Shame about the pidgeon poo bit like :spangled:
i once worked at next over the sales period...was even worse than shopping there.got my pick of the shit they were selling tho with my staff discount on top...
lol!! noooo!......on loadsa stuff, i didnt really need! love the hat tho charvs + pigeons =:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: xx
the global underground one was good. But the turquoise skin tight versace pants with exposed stitching from cruise were never a bargain... 20 quid or not.