Marion Piu So what did people think of him? He played some choice tunes: Joy dont stop, Fuct camera but to name a couple..... Crowd goes mental!!
didnt think he was too amazin to be honest...the style he plays is like a softer version of picotto' picotto's its hard but then goes nowhere so u just end up with repeatative hard beats. I did prefer him to picotto though but he just wasnt my cup of tea.sorry. that other dj who was on first was mint though! someone sed it was richard tulip?
Thought it was a mint nite!! Didnt think id like it but turned out all gud. Mr Tulip was pretty damm good too. All in all id say: GUD Pity he didnt play communication though
I really wanted to go and see Mario Piu but needed to be on the ball for saturday. Seems like he played some good tunes, including Lizard, what a belter!
piu did well!! lots of pitchin and rolling basslines!! mmmmmmmmmmm similar to picotto but a lil softer, and less repetitive pounding beats. More winding basslines. what can you say - the BXR sound!!
Thought Mario Piu was outstanding!!! He blew me away!! Very similar to picotto but without that boring chunk in the middle. Danced my very tits off all night!! Again More!!!!