all phone calls start recording if you say the wrong word, voice recognition put on by MI5, probably words like bombs, anthrax, you know the score, maybe even names of drugs but I don't think they bother with that.
Re: Re: Re: Re: O2 seriously they do. they can pull up any call you make or recieve at any time...they've proven it
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: O2 as a network in general no, but if u call into the call centre they record all calls made to their agents etc
I used to work for Barclays Stockbrokers in Glasgow about 8 years ago and they recorded every call and all day to cover their backs. Stopped any disputes over sales of shares!
02 have no records of any calls made to them, unless i presume something drastic as happened in that phonecall... they had no record of 2 months of me calling them.. even if i called them back half an hour later they still had no notes system... unbeliveable for a call centre.
Re: Re: O2 :tut: :tut: moi = :angel2: they're making Ken buy out his contract even though they advised him that he was not starting another 12 mth contract...