legalities with mail order goods A few months ago, I ordered some 2 way radios from I Want One of Those (dot com). THey took longer than expected so i rang to ask where they were, next thing I knew I recieved a second email confirming despatch, with an invoice attached to the value of £0.00. Now, I never asked for replacement goods, I was just sent them, with an invoice saying they were free, and no notice telling me that payment or return was required if the original turned up (which it already had) I dismissed it as error, and awaited contact (not my responsibility to contact them), after 2 weeks, I just forgot about it, and gave them to a mate, we went halfers to start with, so we ended up getting a full set each. I recieved a letter from the royal mail, saying that IWOOT had been in touch with them, and I presume this is why. Obviosuly its no big deal if I have to send it back, but I am wondering if any of you know wether or not I am under any form of legal obligation to return the goods, since I did not request them and they sent them due to an error, and I have an invoice saying they are free and that no payment is needed.... anyone? PS - "just say you arn't sending it back" and such other spiel isn't what i'm looking for.* *- although some wiseguy will probably say that anyway.....
That does mean if they (or there agents - in this case Royal Mail) contact you to collect the goods, then you must return them. Btw - why did you want 2-way radios? :spangled:
That's the thing - I don't remember!! I go snowboarding and me and my mate thought it would be a good idea to have them when on mountains cos we won't always be on the same runs..could be a bit of pain trying to find eachother!