weekend well then its nearly here again........... the week goes so fast when u work compared to uni :spangled: its so strange. anyway 2moro half day at work as hav my auntys funeral to go to in afternoon fri nite goin to marco paulos with the girlys then out to get bladdered in town :beer: just for a change sat dunno actually havnt thought that far yet. sun erm same as every sun either pub or mates house.
Friday night - chilling nowt special or exciting. Saturday my works Xmas party at St James's Park :beer: Sunday spend some time with my son and chill once again
Friday night.......Lots of wine catching up with a friend I ain't seen for months....Girly night with Bella and Sasha too.......and Slash when he finishes work........He just lurves playing Dress Up........ Aaron - Fancy another make-over Sat afternoon- In town early for the match Then quiet night in with possibly more wine Sunday......not much. Playing the proper wifey- cooking Slash a roast dinner for when he finishes work
Dont think im down your neck of the woods for one this week hun Unless i decided to go to Vuzz in which case feed me wine and im anbodys so it seems
friday - quiet night in with one of my mates saturday - nowt sunday - nowt think i just need a wkend to myself to chill out and catch up on all the sleep i've missed lately
Weekend shenanigans Gonna take it as it comes meself, past two have been full on but very enjoyable! I get this annoying voice in the back of my head reminding that christmas is coming up and the rest of the crap that goes with it, yet it seems to be short lived as i knock back the Tetley's.
Not quick enuf tho Well, Im off to the same meal with the girlies and will probs spend the rest of the nite puking from the drink :beer: Saturday Ill be recovering and stripping the rest of my wallpaper from my room, how exciting Nite time, doing something with Mick and the lads then to Stephens Sunday, who knows. Mite go to town/metrocentre :spangled: Or just laze in bed
today i will be making the long drive north again from rochester to see my son saturday either out in boro or sunderland dunno yet sunday going to ikea for some stuff for my new apartmment
mines not too exciting this week tonight - work xmas party sat - not sure daytime then to vuzz, just heading home afterwards though. sun - no plans. boring havent had a quiet one in ages tho, sure ill feel better for it through next week!!!!
tonite > taking stu out for his bday... plenty of jd and shot action (if we like you and your out gimme a txt.. if not.. fuck off ) sat > hangover xmas shopping hell. sun > sleep.
Frida: Out with the girlies for the meal then out on the town for loadsa :beer: :beer: :beer: Satda: xmas shoppin then either a quiet nite in or a couple of drinks - havent decided yet Sunda - Lazy day in bed
today - to the uni with the lads for a few beers & then a :chill: & more cans a bit later on. saturday - match with the lads, and then metting me g/f parents for the first time, nice meal & wine. sunday - sleeping, chilling & nothing much else really.
Tonight - Working 4.30 til 1.00 Saturday - Xmas Shopping then Vuzz Sunday - Lazy Day, then out for a quiet drink with some mates
2nite - Im working but im really not very well Off 2day think I've caught whatever Jamie had which wasnt good Sore throat and bad head, feeling sick Lovely Saturday - Was gonna go down 2 Vuzz (still am ) Just depends how I feel 2moro...think this week I've been playing far 2 hard for my own good..now im paying Sunday - going 2 see my dad, being really lazy...
Weekend with the parents this weekend to save myself and money for next weekend which is gonna be mega busy
Fri - Mix after work at mine ! Sat - Match thru day, Vuzz night ! Sun - Shopping. Thats aboot it like hew, might have some games on Football Manager 2005 cos i still havent played on it propa i will also spend some other time sorting me new PC out ! I havent alot of time nowadays
FRI me and my partner in crime vinyl freak are dj'ing at vibration at the stout fiddler so come buy us a beer SAT night in with the missus SUN pub with the lads through the day and car cruise on the night time