Oh well not top worry Tom- first time for everything hey!!! Quality crack afters- Thanks for putting up with us invading your flat. We'll do the honours soon- I promise!! Was gonna have people back to ours but builder was coming round at 10am on sat.
Tom > How many text thru the night ?!?! Sorry i didnt talk for longer, i would of if i could of I will catch up sometimes soon - Kandi the neet !! Got in at 4am this morning with Cassie, kept thinking i was at work and what people would think of me
that one was a close call i didnt even dignify the cock with a dissaproving glare... cant remember why he deserved it either.. oh well...
tom.. can u remember being stood at the back throwing water over some poor lad from behind who did fuck all to you??? the lad was looking for who it was.. came over to me 'n liam and we sed we didnt know who did it... he'd have fucked you all over.. ankle grabbing the lot.. you kerzaeee kid.