Working 9 til 5 It's me second week of working 9-5 and it's fucking killing me I have worked 12 hour shifts for 3 days a week for 6 years. I'm fit to fall over and thats about it. I'm also in call so can't have a drink over the weekend and have to keep my laptop with me in the car. I have been called out of bed 8 times since Monday and I'm fucked.... will still make it to NICE for the 11th birthday tho
sounds crap man, hope you sort it out. Cant be worse than stacking shelves at sainsbury's full time during christmas 8-5 tho can it?
nah but when I'm off at the weekends everyone stays in when I have to work everyone wants to go out. I have to log in from home and watch X Factor because I run the platform that collects all the SMS votes, it's plain shite that show. Still I get well paid for it
Im with Cookster on this one. I used to love my 1130-830 Safeway shifts. Lie-in and then straight into the pub from work.
If I started at 11, means I wouldn't get finished till 12am, etc when I have to work loads of overtime, so I think I'll keep starting at 8.30 thank you very much!