live aid 20 anyone heard the new live aid song,wot a load of shite, think the poor starving people in africa are gonna be hungry for a bit longer dont get me wrong ,its for a great cause and i like the original, but....will young, the darkness and dizzy rascal rapping,please might buy it for someone for xmas so ive done my bit and the charity get the cash, but chances are i'll get it thrown back in my face. is it just me or is this version crap?
J.....please dont buy it for me , its terrible ! At least the first time actually sounded like the artists really felt something for the peeps they were singing for ......but this time it sounds like a group of schoolkids ! Im sure it'll still go to num 1 tho......purely for the cause......but they could have at least done the song sum justice ! x
The song has always annoyed me. "Do they know it's Christmas?" Do they care? Do they celebrate Christmas? "There won't be snow in Africa this Christmas time." What is that supposed to mean? Is there ever snow in Africa? Don't you think the last thing starving, displaced people need is freak weather? And finally...... "Tonight, thank God it's them instead of you" What a wonderful F'ing attitude that is!!!