Smoking update! Finally seems to be going somwhere! Wonder what will happen!
early days yet thank god... its still only plans AND it's only in pubs that serve food with time restrictions - which i agree with! few more years yet for me to inflict my evil on you moaning fun-stiffeling lefties! up the regal kingsize! edit : if they were that bothered and REALLY put health above money - ban tabacco sales.
True - But all out ban is needless really Lol just because I don't like smoky environments doesn't make me a "fun-stiffeling lefty" Only certain restrictions yes, but it's certainly a start, aiming towards 90% of bars/clubs being smoke free! I LOOK FORWARD TO THAT DAY!
stop stiffeling my fun, u fun stiffeling leftie moaner ! is that how u spell stiffleling? well... u knew what i meant!
I say this is quality, I hate smokey room's, does my head, don't see why I should have to inhale your bad habits.
i thought this thread was gonna be about some superb strain of skunk that you had recently tried and tested chris feast your eyes on this bad boy:
jesus christ tell me about it. Ive got 40 quid left to pay bills+food for the rest of november.... so no chance this would make any bad day good:
I think its a good idea, but I would NOT like to impose it especially with some of the nutters that drink round town on a weekend I couldnt believe that 72% of ppl in England dont smoke, but only 1% of bars etc are non smoking. Blimey