Silly Customers Oh the comedy. Silly Customer No. 1: "Do you sell modems?" "Yes mate, what sort of modem are you after" "A computer one" Silly customer no. 2: "I have bought a wireless network card...I went home and couldnt get on the internet" "Ok...did you set your router up properly?" "Whats a router? I was told u can just buy a network card and you can get on the internet?? "Nah you can't unfortunatley" "EH, well whats the point then, thats crap" Great stuff.. Whats your customer nightmates???
I've had that one a couple of times. Naughty in March was the last one. I asked her "what the fuck do you think this is?!"
when i worked in the sports shop i got a few completely stupid ones.... What size is a size 1? Do you sell trainers? What type of trainers are good for fooball? - i actually thought the woman was takin the piss when she asked me this but turned out she was serious guy in kids section - do u have this in my size, no sorry we dont thats kids, yeah i know but do u have it in my size, no we dont its just the childrens range that came in, but if i go round the gents section will u have them there? oh to name but a few
When my sister worked at John Lewis she had a mad woman come in and complain that the toaster she had bought didn't work. She then proceeded to pull two slices of bread out of her bag and wave them in my sister's face to prove they hadn't toasted.
Me: can i have 20 regal kings please? Shopkeeper : do you want the four quid ones? Me: Yea, how much are they? Shopkeeper : haha four quid! Me: Oh aye, u just said four quid haha