Rememberance day today. As much as i hate all the wars we are involved in - Im proud to see our ex forces men standing selling poppies today on rememberance day. As much as i didnt really understand the importance of past events when i was younger, as time goes by i cant help but feel quite saddened but proud of the efforts and losses of WWI/WWII both by the soldiers involved, and the families affected on both sides of the conflict. There are no winners in war - only losers. If you havent bought a poppy today - Make sure you do.
Don't forget the ??sec silence at 11am. Can someone confirm the length (fnar fnar) cos I don't fancy my chances of shutting up indefinitely. I reckon the silence should include no posting. That'll be torture for some of the hardcore 20K+ posters on the board!
Re: Rememberance day today. well said m8, I will be attending the parade on Sunday in town to pay my respects.
Those men & women that died for all of us deserve your thoughts at somepoint even if its not at the 2 mins silence for whatever reason. RIP all of them
WE? it wasn't me - it was blair. My dad was part of a lancaster bomber crew in '44 & '45 - that was a proper fight against evil - rather than the mythos of what is evil.
Got a poppy but lost it. Had a 2 minute silence at 11am as well. Which Northern Rock clearly didn't observe, because they tried to phone all our extensions during the 2 minutes. Twice.