Never been to Bambu, came after my student days were over... Used to go to Baja every week at Uni, used to hate it but there wasn't anywhere else to go really! Was either there or Sea, which was equally dire!
I was going to Baja twice a week for a year almost at one point.... no bloody idea why. I never met a single person outside of the group i was with - the music was gash and it was full of beer boys and airheads.
Baja is fucking shit. It carries my strongest ever opinion for ANY venue. I absolutley DISPISE the place and would laugh hysterically if it caught fire I have been 2/3 times and hated every single minute of it, it truely is horrendous. It really suprises me how such a wank place can be popular. Bambu is actually a decent place if you have a VIP don't have to worry about a HUGE queue to get in or at the bar, and u get the drinks deals all night. I go there quite alot and just enjoy it for what it is. If i was stuck on the dancefloor all night like I used to be though...I would probably think differently! It's always good crack though
Re: baha Honestly though love, why did you go in the first place? I bet you knew fine well exactly what itd be like
I'd rather sit in a dingy local with a half decent juke box than put up with that place - once & never EVER again :evil:
I don't mind Baja.. Good for a cheesy night out. I prefer it to Bambu. I really fucking hate Bambu. Too much RnB..