Needed: Directions to NTC im going to North Tyneside college today to pick up my work, but we're driving there (sumthing ive never done as not being able to) and dont know how to get there from either the tyne tunnel or newcastle city centre. the obvious solution would be to go to the 'how to find us' page on the site....but it doesnt appear to be working. can anybody help? either directions to the college from the tyne tunnel or from newcastle city centre...we can get to both. i got an hour b4 i go...please help! thankyou :edit: just incase its just my computer that wont load it ( has happened b4) the address is if ne1 else can get it to load
if you can get to the coastroad.. get the 300 or 305 and they stop outside the college... i think they pick up from haymarket as well...
in a car tho mate cos i got a lot of A1 boards to pick up. i know how to get buses from town/wallsend to the college...if u remeber i did go to the college at least...erm...20 times.
go up the coast road then turn left after a bit... the turn off b4 silverlink.... class directions ??
past the wallsend turn off, past the BP garage, 1/4 mile on take that turn off, just b4 B&Q. bottom of the slip road, turn left. at the roundabout turn left, follow the road thru battle hill, the entrance is on your left. u can see the place from the coast road.
Comne out of the tyne tunnel and turn left on to the A19. Take the first exit off the silverlink roundabout and onto the A1058. Come straight off at the next slip road then 3rd exit off that roundabout will get you into the NTC carpark!