US Elections tomorrow... dubya can't really win can he?? If you have a god, start praying, if you don't sacrifice something. I'm off to nick a chicken from a farm up the road and buy some black candles. Please everyone, do whatever you can
Yes he can win and he will. Thats unless someone will lend me a sniper rifle and pay for my flight to washington
Re: US Elections tomorrow... dubya can't really win can he?? Careful...some Americans might be reading this. Bush gets the majority of the christian vote dontcha know
Re: Re: US Elections tomorrow... dubya can't really win can he?? it's beyond me how... god wouldn't vote for Kerry, neither would Buddha
i think mr bush has it in the bag. most american's are still scared senseless due to his goverments constant overhyping of how much danger they are all in. people want to vote kerry, they are just too damn worried that they are going to be taken over by hordes of extremist muslim / communists if they do though.
I hope Bush doesn't win, but I feel that he will. Let's face it, he's managed to get into power without winning before, i'm sure he can do it again!
Bush will win by a couple of percent I fear. Don't forget that 40% yes FORTY PERCENT of Americans are Conservative, religious nutters - and you can bet your ass Bush believes in God, Mom, Apple Pie and the American way - exactly the sort of bullshit these people want to hear - so he's got half the vote already
so who did you vote for.... well although i can't stand bush...kerrys arms are too long for his body!