Tight as fook! My Mam says she isn't answering the door, but they have gone out now, so I've raided the cupboards, and found all of my Mam's sweets, they are getting dished out when they knock at the door! Just remember when you used to do it, and how pissed off you were when you didn't get an answer, same rules apply for penny for a guy!
When they come to the door and ask the elusive question say "Trick"... the little fuckers havent a clue what to do they just expect instant sweets/money
Re: Halloween Why are you saying Happy Haloween and that and then saying thieving bastards?? :spangled:
Re: Re: Halloween because i like the orginal story about how halloween was started etc but now its just a bunch of thieving bastard kids taking your money i used to enjoy the little party we had and dunked for apples hardly went scrounging off people
Not true. The car outside my mates house got covered in paint when he told them to come back on Halloween night the other day. It wasnt even his car!
awwwwwwwwwwawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww how lovely is his little Eeyore costume
I've had loadsa the little shits.. Some of them are nice.. majority of them are little bastards.. One of them has tipped over a plant pot and ripped the doorbell off the door :angry: Also.. my lass was drivin ound in her car and some little shit egged her car.. If I catch any of them doin that 2night I'll... Shout at em
helz i dont even think i've spoke to ya since hes bin born i've bin stupidly busy with ma new job but he is absolutley beautiful....!!! how are u both are u both okay...?!?! xxx
We are doing great! I'm gonna come round to your place next week sometime for a cuppa in the evening. I was talking to Kerry last week. What nights are you home? xx