Question time tonight Is from America tonight and one of the guests is Michael Moore, should be interesting viewing
That should be a laugh.. Would like to see micheal moore face to face with bush.. Thats president bush btw It would be loud!
Iam waiting to get "stupid white men" off my dad when he has finished reading it, i have seen "bowling for columbine" (sp) and thought it was extremley interesting
Buy the books,watch the films & learn from a fat American I wonder which people Moore is refering to as "stupid white men"
So what did we think of MM on Question Time last night? Again he was forthright, based his answers on fact and knew how to shoot down the bullshitters. Unfortuntately he got hoisted by his own petard about Springer-tactics and got trapped a couple of times. Wish he'd sometimes look for the killer line rather than attacking everything. Thought the woman from Miama Dade County came out best.... thoughtful and reasonably unpolitical. Thought the audience was dreadful and Littlejohn... who was surprisingly calm still gave me enough reasons why I would never buy the Sun.
Gutted I missed this! Read 'Dude where's my country?' when I was on holiday at the start of the month. Definately reccomend it!
DAMN cant believe i missed this!!! read 'TV Nation' when i was living at batfinks for a week (he loves me really) just finished reading 'Stupid White Men' and am swapping it for 'Dude Where's my Country' with my sister tomorow. She's also lending me 'bowling for Columbine' and when she comes up for the festive season, we're gonna watch Farenheit 911. b4 learning about michael moore, i knew nothing about, and wasnt remotley interested in politics. all i knew was: poly = many tics = blood sucking creatures now all i may know is a totally biased view of it all, but at least im getting interested!! my neice loves him aswell...she can say 'my-hull moore an poll-tics'