i dont mind mine like!!!! i dont really do that much tbf, is canny crack and i get too bored sitting at home, need something to occupy myself , and if i was at home id probs just be on the net anyway so i might as well get paid for it!!!!
I have a few new things in the pipe line but this is more boring than being at home... At least i get to play around on Powermac G5's and mini Ipods
i dont mind mine either the worse bit is getting here been here is easy sit on here all day and get paid what more could you ask for well apart from customers shouting at me
I only like jobs where im always busy, i can stand sitting around i get bored and time slows down.....
i dont mind mine.. get to listen to whatever i want all day.. wear what i want and generally doss about while i colour in
I'm quite happy with my career at the mo - plenty of times i've said it was shit example - Tonight, working on your 21st Birthday :evil: :evil: Espesh when no fucker will cover your shift... Good side to it - I'll make sure I tell EVERYONE that it's my birthday and get lots of free drinks