Little Britain. Did anyone see the new series on BBC 3? surely this is the best comedy on tele for ages. absolute genius.
classic stuff! sick at the best of times! the woman in the health farm when she dropped her towel :sick:
was quality there gonna do what league of gentlemen did with there 2nd series and push it to see how far they can go, some of the stuff is well wrong
"MM, yes a very nice jam. Who made this?" "The woman who is married to the <whisper>black man</whisper>" "BLEEUUGH" also when she/he spat in vanessa's face
will probably repeat it on normal telly when it finishes on bbc3. best thing on tv, was proper dark though, made you squirm on your sofa
Just checked - 11pm Friday on BBC3 apparently. Then 10:10 pm Saturday. In fact its on every day nearly.
matt lucas and that other chap we on radio 4 last night talking about it - apparently it's coming to bbc2 fridays at some point soon