John Kelly! Looking through sum of the threads on this site Harwick seems 2 b the most respected DJ by most promise goers! Dont get me wrong i think he's amazin n 1 of the best Djs ive eva seen, John Kelly is the man 4 me n i just wondered if any 1 knows wen he mite pay promise a visit again?
Re: John Kelly! No way, John Kelly was playin with Eddie Halliwell about three wks ago, and what a night it was!!! Matt Hardwick is ressie, so we get him quite a lot, so hes probs the one everyone knows most of all!
John kelly is now my fave DJ, he just blows me away every time i see him... cant wait for his next repeat performance at promise!!!
Ive only seen John Kelly once and he totally blew me away, totally outshone Eddie Halliwell on the night which isnt an easy thing to do. However I rate Hardwick more because he plays the style I love and he has been outstanding on more than one occasion for me (in fact I struggle to recall when he hasnt been outstanding ) Hardwick is God (Kelly isnt far behind though )
must agree Totally agree! my fave dj 2 He was the first Dj i saw n it was at the sugarshack, ever since he always seems 2 blow me away n cant wait 2 c him at judgement sunday in ibiza this year!
wow i love john kelly sooooooooo much, that man is fukin amazing, i was so chuffed wen i got my picture taken with him, apart from my smile looks slanted! was a fukin mint night with him and eddie haliwell!!
john kelly is fucking mint i love the man to pieces, i've never ever seen him play a shit set cant wait for him 2 be on at promise again. not sure when he's on next but i know hes on at sugarshack on the 12th of july xxxx
He seems to love his acapellas and sometimes does some scratching, top draw stuff. I hope to see him next time he's at Promise. Anyone know when that is?
i think i must b the only one that doesnt rate john kelly! he used 2 play regularly in northampton and was always poo! must admit tho the last 2 times iv seen him (crasher and last time he was at promise) he has impressed me. but iv seen 2 many poor performances in the past for just 2 mint sets 2 redeem himself. sorry guys
lmao tis true check: To those that don't know Talon's new name is non other than Technofish lol Promise's oldest trouble maker.
i seem to remember the slaggin he got was after he played IMO a poor set on the same nite wif corvin back in november or sumit? since then ive heard him bout 4 times and each time he has well and truly kicked arse the man is fookin amazin! i used to rate him before after seein him heaps at the shack but he seems to have blossomed lately
Who gave u a mouth???hehe!!!KISS MY WIGGLY ARSE!!!hehe! &get urs to passion LAZY ARSE!!U no!its better than PROMISEE!!!!U KNOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! all im offering is the truth!!!
Are u mad? Passion is a shite club filled with nobbers.... although the emporium is a class club Storms meant to eb wikkid too... but passion is a club rammed with try hards. *shudders*
WHHHHHHHHHHAATTT!!!brains brains!got ne left?? We are no longer guna speak to eachova,talk about pissin sum1 off so much they dont wana cum back to that PROMISE,i cudsit here n list a100 more reason than u WHAY passion is better but i cant be arsed arguoin with the likes ov you, i got more improtant things to do than sit tappin away on commy arguing bout shit, rteckonin im MINT&takin OVA PEOPLES MUNY to clubs were all it is is a BLUDY FASHION SHOW, stupid RETARD dancin TODAYS LESON HOW TO LUK LIKE A MONG!!!! i give u but 3 reasons out ov 100!! 1) I made mates with a 35 year old Man who is as muscley as Tyson,evil lukin as him too, but i made mates with him n his wife, n hes so nice &fells teh same about the place,bet u wudnt even LUK AT HIM THE RONG WAY DWEEB! 2) PassionNOMINATED FO DANCESTART AWARDS, if u luk on net they are up against Godskitchen and Cram and loads ov well known more famous clubs,MUST B A REASON!! 3) DO U EVER SEE POEPLE WHO LIVE OVER 150 miles away go to promise, unless the y gettin payed!!HARHARHAR!! But neway, i was on the verge on hateing that place du ti ignorant arseholes like urself, sum1 find me a reason to keep goin! But i wud never slag tha place as much as u just did, i just WUDNT GO!!!cheeky fucker!!
im so shaky n pissed of i cant even spell, spazzzzyyyyyyyy!!kldkjldk!! SEE LUK WAT U DUN 2 me, ur so not nice at all!!every1s right!!!im laffin though, nit cryin !!I HAV ALOT TO LAFF ABOUT&usually do everytime im in tha chillout room in promise with u FREEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKS!!!!!!!!!
Re: WHHHHHHHHHHAATTT!!!brains brains!got ne left?? i live 300 miles away, and i cant wait to go there again!!