yeah it was I remember it well, she was killed in Shiremor They are expecting a guilty plea today, should burn the bastard :evil:
i caught the tail end of some thing on the radio this morning about someone being in court for the murder of a sports science student on good friday 2000! well i think they said the murder! :think:
she was raped and murdered my best m8 knew her from college, he was on her course and went to her fruneral and all that. The have DNA evidence against this bloke, throw away the key I say :evil:
i'm glad they've finally got someone...def throw away the key! like you said rachael...its taken too long!
TBH I never thought they would get him. They used to do a new appeal in the news gaurdian every few months. Still glad they have
Me & lots of my mates got questioned/DNA tested for this in 2000. Not nice even though i was innocent
A bus driver has been jailed for life for the murder of student Sara Cameron. Michael Robinson, 30, of Newhaven in East Sussex, admitted killing the Northumbria University student near her home in Earsdon on 20 April 2000. Robinson was arrested and charged by Northumbria Police officers earlier this year after DNA taken from the crime scene was matched to him. The judge at Newcastle Crown Court said he must serve a minimum of 18 years, less the time already spent in custody. He was also placed on the sex offenders' register for life. Robinson had been drinking with Stagecoach colleagues in Newcastle the night he killed Ms Cameron after he and she got off the same Metro train. He pursued her as she walked home, dragging her through a hedge into a muddy field, around 1,100 yards from the station, the court heard. He slapped or punched her twice and removed her clothes before trying to rape her. When he heard a noise from the path nearby, he grabbed her neck and strangled her, the court heard. After evading capture for almost four years, Robinson was finally caught because of a simple dispute with a neighbour last year in North Shields. As a matter of routine, officers took a DNA swab from his mouth which a year later showed up as a match on the national database with semen found on Sara Cameron's body. During that period, Robinson had moved to the south coast. But Northumbria Police traced him and he was arrested on 13 February 2004. The court heard that he had confessed to following two other women in the North East, before he carried out the attempted rape and murder of Ms Cameron. Det Ch Supt Steve Bolam said: "Not once in the 36 months and 298 days which had passed since Sara was found dead was there ever a time when the inquiry team doubted they would find the person responsible for her murder." Mr Justice Henriques branded Robinson "exceptionally dangerous". "It was a terrifying and sexually-motivated attack of which Sara must have been aware in her dying moments," he said. "The fact that she was so admired and so talented will not increase any minimum period that I must calculate, but her family are entitled to hear of the high public esteem in which she was held - that is all they have." The judge also asked for a list of the officers involved in the inquiry so they may receive a judicial commendation.
i didn't know he was arrested in feb! its good to know that the ygot him in the end but tis a shame it took so long!
What a total bastard! Thank fuck they finally got him, it's not as easy as people think to arrest people for things like these, but they have finally got there man! Well done to the Police for a change!
Dont burn him or throw away the key ... get a stick covered in barbed wire and rape him back ... sorry for the graphic but its what he should get!!
Ditto, I was in the Kayaking club at uni with her, and met her a handful of times, really nice girl, and such a shame that it happened. The punishments for the guy who got charged are nothing compared with the crime, may he rot in hell!
i knew sara well, realley nice lass ,i tell you he needs to die a slow painfull death he should not be allowed to live after takeing her life the pain he has caused her freinds and family he needs to have his cock chopped off and rammed up his arse so then he then knows what it is like to be raped then he needs to be burned alive god help him if i ever grace his company :evil: :evil: sara r.i.p see you when i get there