walked past the other day when you guys were doing the shopfit, looks like its gonna be a class shop. Finally a suitable replacement following the demise of Flying. Looking forward to it, no doubt ill be spending plenty of dosh in there Good luck
Is it the old Sensei clothes shop? Used to love that place! Be good to get a good record store back in the toon. Save me spending a fortune in one go when I'm back in Glasgow or down in London!
defo check this out, still wont be able to hang around playing on the decks like we could in global tho thats always the sign of a good record shop seriously tho ncl defo needs it, whens it open??? very good crack
i love pvds stuff, but i dont wanna just play all his style unlike you and your ferry boresten collection
looks like its just catering for house from what i can see. no mention of techno or trance above or on front page of website.
their really are too many battered pics of me on the net, chris whatever happened to them ones taken of you