Cheating in Exams Have you done it? Prince Harry has. I only completed ONE piece of course work myself during my entire college and university life. I bought and copied the rest. I found the Asians at Uni would do anything for £30
I have discussed school coursework with classmates, and took the odd bit of scrap paper into a test that I had not revised for.. Never cheated in any official exams and not cheated on anything at uni People always ask "can I see your source code? I want to compare it" and im like....can you shite Don't you have to make a poll on the first post of the thread? The prince harry thing is probs bollcoks to be fair!
I wish i had cheated now - For all the good the education system did for me in its later years ... Its not as cut and dry as that though (What do you do when you go for an exam) but in some cases, looking back you would have had everything to gain and nothing to lose.
For my physics gcse all of the formulas etc that you had to learn I wrote on the back of my calculator!
One of our science teachers was leaving at the end of the year and didnt give a toss really, so he wrote out our coursework on the board and let us all copy it down
Never cheated in tests but didn't get great results, I used to get the geeks to do my homework for me sometimes if I was going on the piss or something.
not really... done the whole writing formulas in my calculator / organiser thing at gcse level, but thats about it.
never had to, my grades were always good enough without cheating. however my sister practically gets my dad do all her uni coursework and i imagine he will do most of her dissertation this year.
word. my memory is like shit but im quite bright (apparently). How many names/dates/formulas do you have to remember nowadays!!?? Its rediculous, but i couldnt think of another way of testing if you know your shit.
there is this little c*nt on my course and he watches u write out your paper work then steals it at the end of the lecture and writes his name on it :evil:
I passed in effect all GCSE's but only one at C +, i am however far from thick and i think exams reflect fuck all at school and even nowadays dont guarentee u a job ! I couldnt be arsed in exams, used to do anything to fuck off early including cutting a wart off with a metal ruler which led to me leaving early - pretending to have a migrane, tootache the whack and they all worked ! For revision i used to lock myself into me room and either get pissed and fall asleep or get :chill: and listen to tunes ! Fuck knows what me mam used to think when the bins were emptied in me room full of drink n baccy
A mate of mine went to take her mates gcse maths exam last year .... she done the test then got grassed up. Both of them are banned from examinations for two years
I did that aswell!! Except it was my accounts exam and I Tip Ex'd the things I had to remember onto the bottom of my tin pencil case And I somehow smuggled a French dictionary into my French exam, but got caught and had it confiscated. Didnt even get wrong tho. :spangled: Still passed all my exams above grade C
Not that I can remember. I got some lasses to do my homework in the early parts of senior school, plus cheated in little pop quiz's, but don't think I did in GCSE exams or anything, I should of done though!